Our Christmas Tree...

We started this tradition last year with Gavin and I cannot wait to cut down our christmas tree every year from now on. It is so fun. This year we even cut a little tree down for Gavin and it is in his room all lit up. So cute.

Gavin's first T-ball game...

Getting ready for his first bat of the season!

So campfire has been a process for us. If any of you have talked
with me about this experience you would know how hurt
I have been my Camp Fire.  They lost Gavin's paperwork
and said that I had never paid so they were going to make
me return his shirt.  They then told me that I was a bad mother
because I did not sign him up myself as I was at work. I have
filed a National complaint and I hope this helps so that
other mothers do not have to deal with this. Anyways to make a long story
short I made sure to print Gavin and his number 11 on the
back of his shirt so that they could not take his shirt away.
(I just had to vent about this....Thanks for listening)

Our New House

We had to take a before picture before the demolition started.
I can't wait for you all to see the work we will do.

I wish I had a new picture already so you can see
how much we can get done in just a day!

Our New Dog Crown...

Gavin loves the puppy although he does bite alot.
No one explained to me how hard taking care of a puppy
is, I feel like I have a new baby.
No sleep, Crown is chewing up all our stuff too.
But he is the cutest dog and we are
so excited to have him in our family!

Our New Blog

Hello Everyone....so here it goes thanks to Shantel and Kelley I am starting a family blog for Logan, Gavin, and myself!
It may take me a while to get all set up as I have just started a new semester in school and Gavin starts T-ball next week....so give me time and it should come to be a good blog.
Love you all and look forward to seeing more pictures of your families!